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The Three Day Rule

Cari Cole
The Three Day Rule consists of "everything you need to do and stay away from for three days before a performance".
1. 10 to 12 glasses of water a day. No kidding.
2. Extra fruits and veggies. Foods with a high water content. Watermelon is particularly hydrating.
3. No dairy.
4. No caffeine. That means no coffee, black or green tea, no coca-cola, no chocolate or hot chocolate. Caffeine in any form is dehydrating.

5. No sodas. Sodas cause acid reflux, which burns the mucous membrane of the vocal cords. The result is irritated and inflamed vocal cords which translates into raspiness/hoarseness and a compromised range. Visit
6. No spicy foods. Spicy foods also cause acid reflux. See #5.
7. No eating late. Eating late causes acid reflux. Eat at least three hours before bedtime, see #5. Do not lie flat. Prop yourself up with one or two pillows. Position the pillow under your shoulders so your neck is not strained. This will help keep the stomach acids from washing up on to your vocal cords.
8. Absolutely NO antihistamines. They are severely drying to your voice. If you suffer from allergies you must get tested by an allergist and get on a treatment program that does not include antihistamines. There are many alternatives including herbal tinctures and Chinese medicine as well as dietary changes. Many people who suffer from allergies are allergic to wheat, dairy and
9. No alcohol. Alcohol is dehydrating. One beer or one glass of wine during this time won't kill you, but absolutely NO hard liquor. It is extremely drying. However it is best to completely stay away from alcohol of any kind.
10. No smoking. No smoking of any kind. If you are a singer you shouldn't be smoking period. It makes singing so much harder than it should be. Your vocal cords are in a constant state of dryness and irritation. Second hand smoke is not any better. Stay away from smoke three days before a performance.
11. Eight to ten hours of sleep every night. For those of you who have trouble sleeping try Herbal Beverage - Calli "nighttime" tea available at Order as a Sunrider customer. Enter our sponsor number #001078426 to order. We also recommend taking 500 milligrams of calcium before bed to assure sound and restful sleep.. it works wonders. Visit
Other tips:
Steam 15 minutes a day with the essential oils of lavender and eucalyptus or make a pot of Throat Coat tea and steam with that. Essential oils can be purchased at any Aveda store. Visit their website for a store locator at

Eat lightly the day before and the day of. No heavy foods like red meat or rich sauces. Eating light will improve your energy. Chicken, fish and tofu/beans are the best sources of protein that are easy to digest. Fresh juices (no orange juice) are great sources of energy.

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