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How To Have Great Auditions

Jeannie Deva
Going to auditions is a fact of life for most singers. Yet, the experience can often be nerve-racking and confidence shaking, with a frequent defeat by Lady Luck. What can be done to eliminate the stress from this necessary ordeal? The key lies in your approach to the overall audition experience.
1) Empower yourself. Recognize that you have the ability to create your own career.
2) Decide what it is that you want to achieve. Look for and finding the right people and situations that align with your own goals and visions. Getting into a musical group has just as much to do with what you want for yourself as with what the auditioners (those holding the audition) are looking for.
3} Decide on your options. Make a list: what are your priorities, what can you do without.

Developing Your Focus

Take some time to assess your level of expertise and determine your objectives. By doing so, it will become easier to decide on the appropriate steps that will help you arrive at the "larger picture."
Prior to answering any adds and making any phone calls, decide on the following: What do you hope to gain by auditioning? Do you just want to gain experience with the auditioning process, or are you ready for a high-level group of total professionals? Are there particular styles of music or shows that you are unwilling to be involved in? If you're a seasoned veteran, you're ready to audition appropriately; but if you need to hone your skills, you may want to audition for less demanding groups that allow you to work toward a professional level.

Be Prepared

Write down a list of questions to ask before you make any inquiry phone calls. This should include deciding what you will use as audition material, and how this will be accomplished. Will they get you a tape of tunes they want you to learn for the audition? What about the key in which you’ll sing each tune? Do they read sheet music and can you bring tunes you know already? It all depends on the type of band and situation, but you should know as much as possible so that you can prepare and be at your best. This line of questions and arrangements also lets you know how organized they are and gives you a sense as to what you can expect from them. The more organized the individuals, the more assured you can be that this group can set and achieve goals.

Making The Call

When contacting someone about an audition, get as much information as you can before you end the conversation. You may not want to take it any further than the phone call, depending on the information you are able to get by the phone contact. You may just want to go for the experience, but do what you can to make it the best experience possible. The key to this is to get enough information so you can properly prepare. The songs you prepare, how you dress and anything else you bring with you (such as head shot, bio, etc.) can make a big difference in your success.

A Matter Of Choice

Remember: Just as much as you want to be out there performing, being with a group of people and playing musical styles that you can’t stand will not make you happy even if they do ask you to join them. (Flattering, but that may not last too long if you don’t like the rest of the package.)
You have a choice in the audition process. It’s a two-way street. You may dislike the musicians or personalities of the group. You may find disagreeable the places the band plays or plans on playing. You may want to be with people who are drug-free, and discover some of the members use drugs frequently. You may find it difficult to rehearse in a room full of cigarette smoke, and find that everyone insists on smoking in the rehears­al room. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Be courteous, but get the information you need to make the right choices for you.

Be Honest

Bragging about how great you are may not be the best tactic. You may feel insulted that I have brought this up, but I have heard many times too often from musicians that they had a singer come down for a band audition bragging about how great they sounded and what they could do, only to find the singer could not sing in key and had other problems and vocal difficulties. After a while, musicians will “turn off” when they hear a singer telling them how great they are. Better to just stick to details about your previous experience, what kind of material you have sung and want to be involved with, that kind of thing, and then blow them away at the audition.

A Matter of Quantity

Often, it's just a numbers game. The number of phone calls you make and people you contact; the quantity of posters you put up and ads you answer; the amount of exposure you give yourself and the number of auditions you do. Doing things related to your objective is key. Every audition will not hit "pay dirt" but what's important is continuing to do things towards creating your goals. So beware of decisions which keep you from reaching out, being creative and taking forward steps.

Finding Auditions

In every city and state, there are local magazines and newspapers that are used by musicians for gig listings and musician advertising. If not, determine the nearest town that does have this kind of networking and subscribe. For Actors and Musical Theatre auditions there is also Actors Equity Association (AEA) Hotline (which occasionally has openings for non-equity actors as well) and the SAG (Stage Actors Guild) Hotline. If you’re stumped, find a music store in your area, go in and speak with the people working there. Someone should know and can give you suggestions. Be ingenious. Make it a game not a chore. Investigate and leave no stone unturned.
Let’s itemize:
1) Local newspapers and musician magazines classified sections.
2) Music schools and music store bulletin boards.
3) Enter your own classified ads and post your own posters.
4) Musician referral organizations listed in music mags, telephone directory assistance and on the Internet.
5) Recording studios - musicians occasionally contact studios looking for a singer.
6) Open mike nights and talent shows (sometimes clubs have Karaoke contests with many surprisingly good singers performing and industry people in the audience).
7) Call entertainment agencies (listed in the Yellow Pages and Internet Search). Ask if any of the groups they book need a substitute or permanent lead singer. Leave your name and number with them for future reference.
8) Do you know any musicians? Put out the word and see if they can help you network.
9) Do Internet searches.

Sounding Your Best

What I'm about to say may seem incredibly obvious, but I have seen countless auditionees (those being auditioned) violate the following "golden rules."
1) Prepare your audition pieces in the correct keys for your voice and range, and know what the key names are, in case you are asked. If necessary, it's worth hiring someone to assist you in this determination.
2) If a musical theatre audition: have your music written in the key you want to sing in. Don't count on the accompanist transposing the music to your key. Also, make any special markings for tempo, cuts, or changes clearly in red. Keep the directions simple.
3) Know the limits of your range. It is common to be asked what the top and bottom notes of your range are. If you don't know, consult a vocal coach for assistance. Be certain and be honest.
4) Audition only with songs that are well rehearsed and memorized.
5) Call ahead of time to confirm the audition. (Or they may not be there when you arrive or may have forgotten to contact you about the change of location.
6) Prior to the audition, schedule enough time to do at least 20 minutes of vocal warm-up or the amount YOU need to know you will start off sounding your best!

Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Auditioners are looking for certain qualities. When calling for info, find out specifically what is being looked for. If you are going to an "open audition" (commonly referred to as a "cattle call"), try to find out beforehand about the theatre, the style of the director, and type of show being auditioned.
If you know the musical style of the show or band and choose your audition pieces accordingly, you will increase your chances of being hired. Your voice and presentation can change depending on the style of music you select. Pick quality music, something that is theatrical, so you can show your acting/performing ability.

Band Auditions

Decide with the person you contact, what songs you'll be singing. Take the lyrics with you in case you have a temporary memory block at the audition..  If they want you to sing one or more of their original songs, arrange receiving a tape of the song(s) along with written lyrics ahead of time for you to check out (you may not like them) and rehearse sufficiently to sing them well. Bring a few extra songs just in case you have the opportunity to do more

Musical Theatre Audition

The more unusual the piece of music, the better. Don't ever give a cliché audition. Steer clear of "trendy" pieces or ones made famous by another within the last year, to avoid comparison. Show up with at least 2 up-tempo songs and at least 2 ballads. In this way, you can be prepared to change selections if anyone ahead of you sings your first choice. You want the auditioners to sit up and take notice!
If you'll be using an accompa­nist, have your music in a 3-ring binder. This will keep it tidy, prevent you from having to dig around looking unorganized, and will make it easy for the accompanist to turn pages. Or, if a song is only 2 - 3 pages long, tape them together and keep them folded accordion-like in a folder. Count off the tempo for the band or accompanist. You know the pace at which you like to sing the song. Put yourself in control.

Use Your Waiting Time

Don't use waiting time at an audition for socializing with others there for the same audition. Stay alert and attentive. Listen to what's happening with those called before you. Use any information you can get to help enhance your audition. Take time to breath deeply, calming yourself if you're nervous. Look around and orient yourself to your surroundings. Stay focused. Map out your song performance in your mind.

Your Performance

To the degree you can totally connect with your song and deliver a believable performance, you will know you have done your best. There really is no point in worrying about what they think about you. Worrying drains you of life and makes your song delivery go limp. This does require practice and should start in your own room before you ever go into an audition onto the stage. Performing a song requires practice just as much as practicing any other aspect of your art.
Your efforts will pay off, even if your progress may seem modest in the beginning. Remember: Don't wear your heart on your sleeve! You can take control through gaining knowledge and with correct preparation. If you approach auditions as a learning experience instead of a pass/fail test, you will emerge from each one as a more competent performer rather than a defeated student. Good luck!

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